
NWO physics institutes sign Gender Equality Plans (GEP)


Om de werving en loopbaanontwikkeling van vrouwelijke fysici te bevorderen, ondertekenen de directeuren van de vier NWO-fysica instituten AMOLF, ARCNL, DIFFER en Nikhef Gender Equality Plans (GEP). Dit met als doel het systematisch verbeteren van de balans tussen mannen en vrouwen in de nationale fysica-gemeenschap, wat moet leiden tot structurele veranderingen in de onderzoeksinstituten.

Schermafbeelding 2018 02 01 om 18.03.15



During the last year the four physics institutes made a thorough evaluation of the status quo of their gender balance. A quantitative data analysis and the results of a broad evaluation by an external gender expert institute (Joanneum Research, Austria) have set the starting point to design tailored Gender Equality Plans. To demonstrate and promote the legitimacy of agreed actions and measures the new GEP will be signed and launched by the institutes’ directors. The overarching goals are:


  • The removal of barriers to the recruitment and career progression of female scientists
  • Gain of unconscious bias awareness


To reach these goals a concept with specific measures and actions tailored to the needs of each institute will be implemented and monitored.

Science with and for society

NWO-I, the Institutes Organization of NWO, is partner in the gender project GENERA (granted within the Horizon 2020 work program Science with and for Society). GENERA aims to develop a common framework to promote gender equality in European research organizations operating in the field of physics. With support of the GENERA project the four physics institutes developed the Gender Equality Plans (GEP) to promote female physicists careers and set up individual GEP teams for the design, the implementation and monitoring of GEP.

Read more here.