Led by Athena's Angel Naomi Ellemers, a committee investigated inappropriate behaviour in the academic world. The advisory report Social Safety in Dutch Academia - From Paper to Practice is a practical guide with recommendations and tips for preventing or tackling inappropriate behaviour at an early stage. Naomi Ellemers: "We have tried to make invisible forces visible. In doing so, we wish to initiate a process to neutralize the breeding ground for inappropriate behaviour. To prevent future problems as far as possible".
Read and download the advisory report: "Social Safety in Dutch Academia: From Paper to Practice"
Press release and news items
- Press release Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (KNAW)
- NRC (in Dutch): "De academische wereld blijkt bij uitstek een plek waar persoonlijke grenzen worden overschreven"
- de Volkskrant (in Dutch): "Hoe kun je wetenschap bedrijven in een cultuur waar competitie, werkdruk en seksuele intimidatie de boventoon voeren?"
- Hoger Onderwijs Persbureau: "Naomi Ellemers about the KNAW advisory report on social safety: Saying sorry would be a huge help"