
How did we used to do it?

Women are still less likely to make a career in science than men, even though there is (usually) no longer open discrimination against them. But how hard did it use to be for women? NRC Handelsblad publishes five interviews with female emeritus professors.

Click on the titles to read the interviews (in Dutch):

'Look, a women among the professors in toga!' ("Kijk, een vrouw, tussen de hoogleraren in toga!" NRC Handelsblad, Ellen de Bruin, August 1, 2015)

'Pregnancy? They could fire you for that' ("Zwangerschap? Daar konden ze je op ontslaan" NRC Handelsblad, Ellen de Bruin, August 8 2015)

'As the only woman in mathematics you will definitely be noticed' ("Als enige vrouw in de wiskunde val je wel op" NRC Handelsblad, Ellen de Bruin, August 15, 2015)

'More women in an academic discipline: less prestige' ("Meer vrouwen in een vakgebied: minder prestige" NRC Handelsblad, Ellen de Bruin, August 22, 2015)

'Being a professor really is a woman's job' ("Hoogleraar zijn is ook echt een vrouwenbaan" NRC Handelsblad, Ellen de Bruin, August 29, 2015)